
The Beginning

Essradi crafted their first cosplay

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

A New Horizon

Started Streaming

I started streaming on Twitch to break my procrastination habit.

This Isn’t Even Their Final Form

Attained Twitch Partnership

After a long struggle with Celeste’s wig, I became a Twitch partner!


Some Commonly Asked Questions

Do you do commissions?

Commissions are closed for the foreseeable future.

Where did you learn to sew?

Besides being taught to hand sew by my mom when I was little, I am self taught with a lot of help from Google.  

Where did you learn to do [any other cosplay activity]?

Other than sewing I am entirely self taught with the help of various tutorials and trial and error. Before I started cosplaying the only makeup I owned was mascara and I still can’t even French Braid my own hair!  
Have something to say?

If you have questions, or concerns, let me know!